SIMA 2019 - International Symposium on Agricultural Microbiology
Mon, 26 Aug
|UFLA - Salão de Convenções
SIMA is organized by the Postgraduate Programa in Agricultural Microbiology (UFLA). This meeting aims to bring togheter internationally renowned invited speakers, sponsor exhibitions and poster presentations.

Time & Location
26 Aug 2019, 08:00 – 28 Aug 2019, 18:00
UFLA - Salão de Convenções, Av. Bueno da Fonseca, 543 - Inácio Valentim, Lavras - MG, 37200-000, Brazil
About the event
Join us for the SIMA!
SIMA aims to highlight a variety of aspects concerning agricultural microbiology and biotechnology.
Our scientific programme is being well suited to the participation of early- and mid-carrier scientists who wish to participate in a highly interactive symposium. Our symposium is organized as a single session, promoting better exchange between all delegates. Our 3-day event includes short-courses, presentations by internationally renowned invited speakers, sponsor exhibitions and poster presentations.
We believe that the symposium will provide plenty of opportunities for you to interact and share your work with renowned scientists in the field.