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List of projects carried out in the MEB's Lab. (including collaborations)

Bazilian Microbiome Project

International Consortium

The Brazilian Microbiome Project (BMP) aims to assemble a Brazilian Metagenomic Consortium/Database. At present, many metagenomic projects underway in Brazil are widely known.  Our goal is to co-ordinate and standardize these, together with future projects.



Victor Pylro (UFLA - BR) & Fernando Andreote (ESALQ - BR)

This initiative is part of the Brazilian Microbiome Project (BMP), which aims to map the Brazilian microbial diversity. The study of soils will compose the first case study and will provide us with a  public database encompassing soil biological characteristics.


Comparative genomics as a tool for disentailing biosynthesis pathways

Victor Pylro (UFLA -  BR)

This proposal aims to apply comparative genomics as a tool for elucidating biosurfactant biosynthesis pathways in bacteria. We intend to characterize biosurfactant-producing bacteria using comparative genomics, by applying ultra long-reads DNA sequencing technologies (MinIon - Oxford Nanopore), together with high-quality short reads (Ion Torrent - ThermoFisher). This project receives financial support from  CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).


MIN.AS Microbiome Network

Vasco Ariston (UFMG - BR)

The MIN.AS Microbiome Network aims  to work towards an integrative and interdisciplinary thematic axis, involving approximately 77 professionals from different areas of knowledge such as Genetics, Biochemistry, Microbiology and Bioinformatics, from 7 research institutions, exploring the systemic study of microbiomes in different environments . This project receives financial support from  FAPEMIG (Minas Gerais Research Foundation).


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